TRUMP: Connecting the Dots #7 – Trump’s “Mad Max” 2017 – It’s still about the oil


by Tom Panzone

Trump’s “Mad Max” 2017 – It’s again about the oil. 

The current Trump saga did not begin when he came down the escalator of his Trump Tower Palace with his 3rd wife Melania.   No, that’s when he thought his plan was ready to execute.   Let’s focus connecting the dots that make up today’s story.

First you must remember that he telegraphs his big plans. His strange pronouncements either fit in a long range plan or tell us the opposite of what he means or that they apply to him and not the targets of his rants.  You will recall that one of his first boasts was how he loved the poorly educated and that he had 100 generals lined up on his side, that he knew more than them and that he knew a lot of very important people.  He maligned the military as being ill equipped to defend America and that he was going to rebuild it.   He harped a lot on the need for law and order in big cities.   Every time he had a chance he lamented that although he was against the war in Iraq, he thought we should have taken the oil in the burning oil fields.  

Fast forward to the last 2 weeks.  His new cabinet has at least 5 generals we know of, so any military or security issue will be well taken care of with appropriate aggressiveness.  The very right wing Attorney General will ensure that law and order is observed and a totally incompetent Education secretary will continue to dumb down the population so that they won’t make trouble for anyone.  Add another totally inexperienced United Nations Ambassador who will only speak policy that has been written for her and White House spokespersons who can lie with their eyes wide open.  How does that have to do with oil.  Watch Trump’s focus on oil.

Trump approves Keystone to bring oil from Canada and Dakota fracking to generate more US oil.  Cancels TCP participation so that Mexico will not have all the Pacific countries for support when Trump comes to take the oil in exchange for payment for the wall.  Trump further approves more oil exploration in the Arctic, where Putin has been trying to claim more and more area because of the oil reserves there.  Then he finds an excuse to include Iraq in the Muslim immigration ban.  He let it slip in a recent speech that perhaps he’d get another crack at the Iraqi oil.  So, he picks a fight with Iran so that Americans have to put soldiers on the ground in Iraq to fight Iran.  See where all this is going?  And, I left the best piece of the puzzle to the end.  The Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is the most powerful oil man in the world.  He can call every world leader and they’ll jump when he calls.  How did he suddenly appear as a candidate for this job?  Why would he leave his lifetime position at Exxon for this situation?  Essentially, he works directly for Putin.   He is Putin’s global oil coordinator.  Notice?  He does not have any staff to speak of.  He does not give press conferences and barely says hello to reporters.  He doesn’t even report much to Trump.  He is one of several Russian double agents working in the White House.  Follow his travels.  The trail always includes oil rich countries and his compass is pointed directly to Moscow.   Imagine, he skipped the NATO meeting to go to see Putin.  He kept American journalists out of the Press Conference with the Saudis.  And, now he is arranging a meeting between Trump and Putin.  Remember that when Putin asked Trump to see the Russian ambassador and foreign affairs minister in Mar a Lago, Trump arranged it immediately.  As a bonus, Trump only allowed TASS, the official Russian media to take photos and videos, which were only published in Russia.  What more do you need to know?  America has been conquered by Russia, without even firing a shot and Putin control all the oil. ###