The Panzone Report

TRUMP: Connecting the dots #8

By Tom Panzone Jr. – The Panzone Report – July 04, 2017

Treason Confirmed. Trump to move to Russia…

Treason Confirmed. Trump to move to Russia after meeting boss Putin

Vladimir Putin has had enough of Donald Trump’s shenanigans.  He will continue his life in exile.  According to sources within Russia,  the meeting between Trump and Putin was arranged by Jared Kushner on a sudden visit to Moscow, last week. Apparently, Trump has been offered an honorable way out  of the Presidency—health reasons.  With all the investigations going on, the Trump collusion with Russia will eventually be revealed and Trump will face treason charges.  He will either face the firing squad or could even be imprisoned in Guantanamo. Putin would be exposed and face global disgrace. The deal: by removing Trump now, all investigations will be suspended.  In any case, Trump is finding that the job is much more difficult than expected.  The media scrutiny, the incompetence of Congress and the Senate and the public humiliation are too much to bear – literally driving him crazy.  Ivanka is definitely not happy and feels that her father should retire. She has extensive ties in Russia through her BFF, Wendi Deng Murdoch  who is also Putin’s girl friend.  They found a wonderful secure villa on a hill overlooking the sea where Trump can learn to relax and undergo treatment for his anxiety and stress.  Melania will apparently remain in Trump Tower until she decides on her future.   Trump is not expected to return to the US.

Sochi luxury villa will make Trump exile comfortable.

Donald Trump will not be sorry to leave Washington and all his problems behind.  Jared and Ivanka will take care of business.  He will definitely enjoy his new luxury villa in the outskirts of Sochi. It even has an oval-like office where he will pretend to go to work when he feels like it.  The pools, vistas and fresh air, without the stress of business and politics will do him good.  Putin was very generous to offer such hospitality.  It’s an appropriate reward for delivering America to the Russians without firing a shot.  Trump has earned his reward.

The villa is designed for hosting and entertaining guests in a relatively intimate setting.  With 5 bedrooms and 6 baths it will be perfect when the entire Trump clan gathers on Father’s Day.  Trump will be allowed guests but they will need to be vetted by security.  For his safety and peace of mind, the villa has no Internet.  The closed circuit TV will only show approved programming that has been pre-recorded.

The villa comes with adequate staff and security. It’s a luxury exile program.  Trump is very fortunate to have been given this exit. Others who fail this miserably usually disappear.

There is no golf course on the property but Trump will have membership at the New Sochi Golf and Spa resort.  Still under construction, the state-of-the-art facility, will include a hotel, a shopping mall, restaurants, discos and concert halls, tennis courts and swimming pools.  Very nice retirement.  ###