TRUMP: Connecting the Dots #6 – Trump’s huge mistake: drug-testing Hillary


by Tom Panzone

Trump’s huge mistake: drug testing Hillary.

I believe that Trump made a huge mistake when he suggested drug testing for Hillary and of course, for himself before the next debate.  He opened Pandora’s Box.  In my earlier post about Trump’s medical condition I avoided commenting on his “sniffles”, saving it for another day.  It’s now clear to me that he has pointed to a drug problem.  Let me connect the dots for you.

What is one of the featured habits we have all come to expect from Trump? He always accuses his opponents of what he is guilty of, himself. It’s a pre-emptive measure to minimize his own guilt and reflect it on his opponents as he always tries to take them down with him.  So, we know now, that Trump is a drug user beyond medicine for an old man because when he accused Hillary of using drugs and asking for a drug test, he pointed out the symptoms he had observed in Hillary during the town hall “debate”, which were, actually, evident in him not Hillary.  She was ready to go for hours.  Many have speculated about the “sniffles” for a while.

The day after the “town hall”, Jeffrey Burton wrote an interesting observation on Trump’s condition in the on Monday, October 10, 2016.  It is so clear that I am re-posting it here in support of my own obsevations.

It’s More Than Donald Trump’s Sniffles That Point to Cocaine Use.

By Jeffrey Burton

Okay, I’ve got to say this is conjecture. I actually have less to go on than when I questioned Donald Trump’s sanity. There I, at least, had a test. Here I only have observation but it’s observation based on living through the 80’s, that and symptoms provided by services like the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Trump came to the forefront of the public eye in the 80’s. He embodies the brashness and ‘Me First’ attitude of that decade. If anyone could be said to be, ‘lost in the 80’s’, it is Donald Trump. I mean, his suits haven’t even changed that much from then. The #1 drug of the 80’s was the dreaded white powder.

Link to: “Is Donald Trump a Sociopath? Read the Test Results”

People have been wondering what Donald Trump’s sniffles have meant in the last two debates. And as I said, I lived through the 80’s, so this should have dawned on me a while ago.

I just looked up ‘symptoms cocaine abuse’ and this is what I found.

Behavioral signs of Cocaine use:

  • Euphoria
  • Overconfidence
  • Unusual excitement
  • Aggressiveness
  • Restlessness
  • Paranoia
  • Poor judgment
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations

If this doesn’t sound like a check list of Donald Trump’s behavior, I don’t know what does.

Now, what about these physical characteristics? “

  • Dilated pupils
  • Runny nose (snorting)

Trump is constantly squinting. Heck, it’s even part of Alec Baldwin’s impression of him.

Trump couldn’t sit still for even the few minutes of Clinton’s responses. He refused to stay seated and lumbered ominously around the stage, sometimes staring into the distance.

And Trump’s constant sniffles. On top of the irritation cocaine causes to the sinuses, cocaine users are very paranoid about having blood come from their nose as it’s a sure giveaway of abuse. I know this because it was common knowledge in the 80’s.

Also, Trump always seems to start out like he’s shot out of cannon and then quickly becomes fatigued, unfocused and irritable. He has often said debates should be shorter. All these can read like someone who’s desperate for a bump.

Trump’s nocturnal, sometimes incomprehensible tweets also fit this pattern. []

I do hope that, other curious writers will develop these concepts further. Just remember that if Mr. Trump becomes President, he’ll always be up at 3 am because his swollen prostate will cause him to go to the bathroom to pee every three hours and, he’ll be in a bad mood because his blood sugars will be low from type 2 diabetes.  Imagine if he snorts too? He better not be near any atomic bomb button.

The more we get to know Mr. Trump and the more the curious are inclined to connect the dots within his personal life

There is plenty there to fuel speculation for an inquisitive mind.  ###

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